Want to Become  a LCMC Member

Membership:  You must be at least 16 years old. We request that you become a member of the "Mustang Club of America"(MCA), but is not required.  The spouse of any member is considered a member with the exception of voting privileges for officer elections. Only members current on dues have voting rights.  Family members are always welcome at meeting and events.  Dues: Membership dues are $20.00 a year payable on or before February 1st of each calendar year.  New members are prorated. The money goes towards club events, running the website and car show expenses.

Join today and help preserve the Legend for tomorrow. We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting!

LCMC ​Monthly Meeting and Minutes

Our monthly meeting is held on the last Tuesday of the month at East Bay Deli, 4405 Dorchester Rd, Charleston, SC 29405 (no meeting in December).  Meeting starts at 7:00pm but try to get there at 6:30 to have some dinner before the meeting. Hope to see you there! 

January 2024 Meeting Minutes -

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM, January 30, 2024, by President Duane Helzer.  The Treasurer’s Report was given.  We were not able to present our donation to Families Kickin’ Asthma as Margaret Ann was unable to make the meeting.  We will do it next month.  The donation checks for Pet Helpers, Mental Health Heroes and The Florence Crittenton House have been sent and very nice Thank Yous received.  Membership dues for 2024 are now due and payable.  Please take care of this as soon as possible by contacting Michelle Hatfield, Treasurer. Ken Brinkman has renewed our Web Page and is getting it revamped and up to date.  If you have a special picture of your car you would like to display, please send it to him and he will get it posted.  He will also be getting a workable membership application posted.  Frank Shorter came to provide information for the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Charleston this year.  It will be held Saturday, March 16th.  He says 6 or 7 cars would be great and the meeting place is the same as previous years.  We will stage at the corner of Radcliffe St and Thomas St downtown.  You would need to show up by 9:00 as the streets get very congested.  Step off is at 10:00 and there should be a very large crowd along King Street. They love seeing all the Mustangs. We did a quick rehash of our Annual After Christmas Party and as always it was a great night with lots of good food, wonderful friends, plenty of laughs, and a few amazing gifts in the exchange.  One even met a quick, fiery end.  MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!!  Our Poker Run is set for Saturday February 24, 2024.  We will meet at 10:00 at the Olde Gas Station tucked behind/beside Melcer Tile on Dorchester Rd.  There will be a quick photo shoot before we take off.  It’s a great place to get a picture of you and your car.  We will then deliver Thank You plaques to our Sponsor Dealers - Jones Ford, Summerville Ford, and Ravenel Ford.  From there we will head out into the country to have a late lunch at the Tattooed Moose on Maybank Hwy.  Do not be concerned about the gravel parking lot as there is a large paved one across the street where we can park together.  Come Join the Fun!!  MCA will be celebrating the 60th Birthday of the Mustang April 5-7, 2024, at the Barber Motorsports facility in Birmingham, AL.  Judging is closed, but you can still put your car on display.  There are lots of activities planned so check out the MCA website for details and registration.  And if you are interested in hotel accommodations, it is recommended you look East of the facility in the towns of Pelham or Oxford AL.  Both cities are close and prices are more reasonable. The Mustang Owners Museum will be celebrating the following weekend, April 12 & 13, 2024, at their location in Charlotte, NC.  Duane has not been able to reach Rob Marchant yet to see if there will be the Open Car Show at Ravenel Ford this year.  
The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM.
Linda Batdorff, Secretary, January 31, 2024

Charleston, South Carolina 

 Low Country MustangClub