Want to Become  a LCMC Member

Membership:  You must be at least 16 years old. We request that you become a member of the "Mustang Club of America"(MCA), but is not required.  The spouse of any member is considered a member with the exception of voting privileges for officer elections. Only members current on dues have voting rights.  Family members are always welcome at meeting and events.  Dues: Membership dues are $20.00 a year payable on or before February 1st of each calendar year.  New members are prorated. The money goes towards club events, running the website and car show expenses.

Join today and help preserve the Legend for tomorrow. We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting!

LCMC ​Monthly Meeting and Minutes

Our monthly meeting is held on the last Tuesday of the month at East Bay Deli, 4405 Dorchester Rd, Charleston, SC 29405 (no meeting in December).  Meeting starts at 7:00pm but try to get there at 6:30 to have some dinner before the meeting. Hope to see you there! 

September 2024 Meeting Minutes -

The meeting was called to order by Duane Helzer, President at 7:00 PM. 20 members were present, and it was GREAT seeing Ryan Covington again.  He just returned from a tour of duty in Bahrain and came to spend an evening with the Club. Thank you for your service, Ryan!!  
Michelle Hatfield gave the Treasurer’s Report and with bills paid, we are getting a bit low.  But trophies are paid for, and we also got T-shirts for the Show.  
Most of the meeting was to go over plans for our November 2nd Show.  Get the word out so we can have a terrific turnout!
3 Sponsor donations are in, THANK YOU to Summerville Ford, East Bay Deli (Debra), and Claude & Brooke Park.  We still need to gather the promised donations from Ravenel Ford & Jones Ford, and hopefully a few more Sponsors.  Every dollar that comes in will be that much more we can donate to our charity/charities.  And that is why we do this.
 Bill Hamilton received handouts from NPD for the Show. If you know anyone that would like an area to display their products, it is just a $20.00 donation. Doesn’t even have to be auto related.  We welcome all.
Ken Brinkman had samples of the trophies which are very nice and will be unique from years past.  The 7 Generations of Mustang will receive award trophies. 
This year there will be 3 Best of Show Awards - one for Mustang, one for Ford, and one for Trucks.  We have had some impressive trucks at our shows and want to honor them with their own award this year.  
Ken also talked about donations for the Silent Auction.  He has already found two nice things in his attic that should go well.  Now everyone needs to take a look around at what could make a great auction item or sponsor who could put together a basket of their business items, or even make up a cute basket yourself!  
Dave Hansen says the trailer is full and ready to go.  Port-a-Lets are secured, Wally’s Gyro food trailer is set for 11:00-2:00 (you can find the menu on their website), and Randy Hatfield will keep the tunes and announcements going all day for us again (THANKS RANDY).   
One of our best sources of a few extra dollars is the 50/50 drawing.  We need to have an outgoing (don’t want to say pushy, but it helps) person to get as many people to buy tickets as possible.  The winner will get half, and we get half of total sold.
Ren designed a really neat T-shirt for the Show, and they are only $15.00 each, any size.  The printer gave us a great deal. So, get your shirt!  
Set up, parking, and take down help will be needed as always.  Please bring your car ready to be judged or for display if you choose (with just a little touch-up), so that you can help get things up and running quickly.  Then hang around for a while after the show.  Many hands get things packed up fast and we can all get away.
MUSTANG MAVENS:  Second Tuesday in October is the 8th.  11:30 at Okra Grill - Nexton.  All ladies welcome and we would love to see a few faces that we have not seen in quite some time.
OMBC is on track for the 1st and 3d Wednesday mornings at East Bay Deli.  Larry will have the coffee on.  
Lots of Cars & Coffee gatherings as always attracting everything you can think of.   
Take a two-hour drive to Savannah October 11, 12, or 13 to see the best Mustangs around.  This is the MCA Grand National for 2024.  Better yet, enter your car.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,

Linda Batdorff, Secretary

Charleston, South Carolina 

 Low Country MustangClub