Charleston, South Carolina 

 Low Country Mustang Club

Want to Become  a LCMC Member

Membership:  You must be at least 16 years old. We request that you become a member of the "Mustang Club of America"(MCA), but is not required.  The spouse of any member is considered a member with the exception of voting privileges for officer elections. Only members current on dues have voting rights.  Family members are always welcome at meeting and events.  Dues: Membership dues are $20.00 a year payable on or before February 1st of each calendar year.  New members are prorated. The money goes towards club events, running the website and car show expenses.

Join today and help preserve the Legend for tomorrow. We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting!

January 2025 Meeting Minutes.

LCMC ​Monthly Meeting and Minutes

Our monthly meeting is held on the last Tuesday of the month at East Bay Deli, 4405 Dorchester Rd, Charleston, SC 29405 (no meeting in December).  Meeting starts at 7:00pm but try to get there at 6:30 to have some dinner before the meeting. Hope to see you there! 

LCMC Members Christmas/New Years Party January 4, 2025 at Moncks Corner Inn. 

Minutes of Meeting 1-28-2025
Low Country Mustang Club
The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by President Duane Helzer.  25 members were present.

Michelle gave the Treasurer’s report.  We have not yet disbursed the donation proceeds from our November Car Show. It was voted and agreed that a group of  ladies in the Club will research some local charities and come up with two more organizations with whom to share our donation along with the American Lung Association/Back Pack group 

Old Items: Duane did a quick rehash of the After Christmas/New Years Party held January 4th.  We had a great turn out, the food was good, the company was better, and the crazy gift exchange was silly fun.  Mostly for the ladies, as it was obvious they did most of the shopping for gifts.  Will wager that for the next party, the guys will get out there and get some more “guy gifts” and not leave the shopping to their wives. 

Pizza Nite at Kings Pizza on 17A was another success.  They were much better prepared for us this time and everyone enjoyed the food and company. 

New Items: **ATTENTION**:  We ask that our Club members also be members of the MCA (Mustang Club of America).  They are our Charter Organization and it is important that we stay in good standing to receive the benefits they provide.  They make sure we have insurance coverage under their umbrella policy for shows we hold.  They also provide a lot of the items we need to prepare for and have during our shows.  That saves us lots of money which in turn we can donate to our charities.  We also receive nationwide recognition for our activities and contributions to our local charities and civic organizations.  There are several ways to join MCA at varying cost levels and rewards. You can reach out online to Mustang Club of America.   

Bill Hamilton needs to get a current list of our MCA members.  A report must be submitted to MCA for 2025.  Please make sure Bill has your MCA # and name on his list by our February meeting.  

We will be doing a
Poker Run in conjunction with a Ford Sponsor appreciation on March 8, 2025.  We will gather at East Bay Deli in the morning to get instructions and then will cruise to the Supporting Ford Dealers to deliver their Sponsor plaques and thank them.  We are finalizing details but will surely end up somewhere for lunch.  It will cost $10.00 per hand to play.  You aren’t required to play, but we would like as many Mustangs to cruise with us as possible.  Without the support of our Ford Dealers, our November show wouldn’t happen. 

The crazy weather has been a downer to Cars & Coffee gatherings, but the true diehards keep going out there as best they can.  As we warm up a bit you will have many C&C choices to show off your ride.  And there are lots of things planned as Spring approaches.  

March 14 there is a Rat Rod gathering in Murrells Inlet if you want to see some awesome creations.
April 4-5-6 is the MCA National Show in Orlando which is close enough for the Low Country to show off their cars.
April 11 is National Mustang Day in Charlotte and there is a cruise to the Petty Shop planned along with other events.
April 26th is the MCA Regional Show put on by our friends in Florence.  It is always a fun show for us to attend. 

We are looking to possibly hold our yearly Ravenel Open Car/Truck Show on April 12th.  Duane will get with Mr. Marchant and check their schedule.

LADIES - don’t forget that the Mustang Mavens will be having breakfast/brunch at 10:00am on February 11, 2025 at Page’s Okra Grill in Nexton.  Come join us!!

Duane adjourned the meeting at 7:35pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Batdorff, Secretary